STIE GEMA Widya Bangsa
Informasi tentang STIE GEMA Widya Bangsa contoh Odoo, Open Source ERP .
Aplikasi yang Diinstal
- Spiffy Backend Theme
- The ultimate Odoo Backend theme with the most advanced key features of all time. Get your own personalized view while working on the Backend system with a wide range of choices. Spiffy theme has 3 in 1 Theme Style, Progressive Web App, Fully Responsive for all apps, Configurable Apps Icon, App Drawer with global search, RTL & Multi-Language Support, and many other key features.
- Situs web
- Website builder enterprise
- Karyawan
- Pusatkan informasi karyawan
- nti_edu_academic
- Short (1 phrase/line) summary of the module's purpose, used as subtitle on modules listing or
- nti_edu_room_management
- Short (1 phrase/line) summary of the module's purpose, used as subtitle on modules listing
- Diskusi
- Chat, gateway email dan channel privat
- Kontak
- Pusatkan buku alamat Anda