STIE GEMA Widya Bangsa

Informasi tentang STIE GEMA Widya Bangsa contoh Odoo, Open Source ERP .

Aplikasi yang Diinstal

Spiffy Backend Theme
The ultimate Odoo Backend theme with the most advanced key features of all time. Get your own personalized view while working on the Backend system with a wide range of choices. Spiffy theme has 3 in 1 Theme Style, Progressive Web App, Fully Responsive for all apps, Configurable Apps Icon, App Drawer with global search, RTL & Multi-Language Support, and many other key features.
Situs web
Website builder enterprise
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Short (1 phrase/line) summary of the module's purpose, used as subtitle on modules listing or
Short (1 phrase/line) summary of the module's purpose, used as subtitle on modules listing
Chat, gateway email dan channel privat
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