STIE GEMA Partnership
Our Partnership Program
Partnership Overview
To further encourage the development of educational programs, research, and community service, STIE Gema Widya Bangsa has established collaborations with both domestic and now starting to reach international institutions and government agencies.
Collaboration between higher education institutions is an effort to overcome the institutional isolation faced by these institutions, whether at the local, regional, national, or international levels, particularly in efforts to improve the academic quality of each institution. The scope of these collaborations encompasses many fields, all of which support the enhancement and achievement of the Three Pillars of Higher Education (Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi).

Partnership Regulations
According to Government Regulation Number: 30 of 1990, Article 122 paragraph (2), the forms of cooperation between higher education institutions or organizations include the following:
1. Exchange of lecturers and students;
2. Joint utilization of human resources;
3. Joint utilization of learning facilities and infrastructure;
4. Joint publication of scientific works;
5. Organizing scientific activities such as seminars and joint research;
6. Other forms deemed necessary.
Partnership Principles
1. Kesetaraan
Partnership based on the principle of equality allows each higher education institution or organization to contribute fairly and gain equal benefits from the collaboration.
3. Beneficial
Beneficial partnership ensures that all parties involved experience relevant and useful benefits for the development of their respective institutions.
2. Mutual Respect
With the principle of mutual respect, partnership between institutions can run smoothly and harmoniously, maintaining good relationships and professionalism.
4. Advantageous
Advantageous partnership allows all institutions to achieve positive outcomes and enhance academic quality as well as contribute to society.
Partnership Principles
National Development
Assisting ministries in carrying out their programs by utilizing resources and expertise from various higher education institutions and organizations.
Implementation of Ministry Duties and Functions
Assisting ministries in carrying out their programs by utilizing resources and expertise from various higher education institutions and organizations.
Expanding networks between institutions to exchange information, knowledge, and resources, enhancing academic quality and collaboration opportunities.
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