Scholarship Class

STIE Gema Widya Bangsa offers two nationally accredited study programs. Explore the study programs that align with your interests and career aspirations.  

Scholarship Class

The Scholarship Class Program at STIE Gema Widya Bangsa embodies our commitment to providing access to higher education for those with high academic potential but limited financial resources. This program is specifically aimed at students holding the Indonesia Smart Card (KIP) who are graduates of high school or equivalent.  

 General Description

The Scholarship Class creates educational opportunities for talented students who may face economic limitations. This program adopts the same status, quality, academic rights, degrees, diplomas, and curriculum as the Regular and Employee Class Programs.


1. Fundamental Stage

Semester 1- 4

2. Specialization Stage

Semester 4 - 6

3. Application Stage

Semester 7 - 8

At the beginning of the journey, students will build the main foundation through basic courses such as economics, statistics, and principles of management or accounting. They will also develop general skills including communication and problem-solving.  

In this stage, students choose their concentration according to their interests. For the Management program, concentrations include Natural Tourism, Human Resources, Marketing, and Creative Economy. Meanwhile, the Accounting program offers specializations in Taxation, Audit, Financial Accounting, and Accounting Information Systems.  

The final semesters focus on the practical application of the knowledge gained during the program. Students will take seminar courses, internships, or research projects that allow them to apply theory in real-world contexts.  

 Learning Methods

Learning is conducted through various methods, including lectures, discussions, and practical projects. We are committed to providing a meaningful educational experience that supports the academic and professional skill development of students.

 Scholarship Benefits

KIP holders selected for the scholarship program at STIE Gema Widya Bangsa receive benefits including tuition fee waivers and living subsidies of up to Rp700,000 per month, depending on their place of residence.

 Career Approach

Even though this program is a scholarship, we still instill a career approach to help students understand their career opportunities and provide support for facing the job market after graduation. This program ensures that graduates from the Scholarship Class are prepared to face challenges and achieve success in the future.

Terms and Condition  

Interested in the Scholarship Class? Register Now

Enroll and study at STIE Gema Widya Bangsa free of charge.