Research and Community Service Institute Program


STIE Gema Widya Bangsa

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  About Program

STIE Gema Widya Bangsa upholds its commitment to community service in accordance with the mandate of Law No. 20 of 2003 and Law No. 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education. To meet the National Standards for Community Service, they have formulated a Master Plan for 2021-2025 through the Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM). The roadmap designed by LPPM aims to optimize service activities, development, and service to the community, contributing positively to overall quality and public welfare.

The community service strategy at STIE Gema Widya Bangsa is designed to ensure effectiveness, integration, and synergy in every initiative. Through the implementation of their roadmap, this college strives to enhance its positive contribution to the nation's progress, following the principles of the National Higher Education Standards applicable in Indonesia. 

 LPPM Management Structure

 Head of LPPM

Linda Novianti, S.H., M.H., CFAS., CPM, who has a Master’s degree in Law and certifications as a Certified Forensic Accounting Specialist (CFAS) and Certified Public Manager (CPM), currently serves as the Chairperson of the Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM) at STIE Gema Widya Bangsa. In her position, she is responsible for research policies and community service initiatives, ensuring that the institution's academic and social impact standards are met. Her leadership fosters innovation and academic excellence, resulting in significant advances in research and community service at STIE Gema Widya Bangsa.

Linda Novianti, S.H., M.H. CFAS., CPM.

Chairperson of the Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM)

NIDN: 0416119601

 Member of LPPM

M. Syahrudin, S.E., M.Ak 
Internal Journal Manager

 Part 1 of 2:


Policy and Guidelines of LPPM STIE Gema widya Bangsa

See Policy 

 Research Policies and Guidelines

Research Policies

LPPM STIE Gema Widya Bangsa focuses on high research standards, covering several key aspects to assess researchers' competencies and the quality of their research. These standards include criteria such as education and academic background, previous research experience, research methodology skills, data analysis capabilities, scientific communication skills, and adherence to research ethics.

Researcher Criteria

The criteria and standard requirements that researchers must meet in conducting research activities at LPPM STIE Gema Widya Bangsa include:

  1. Education and Background: Researchers are expected to have a bachelor's degree or higher in fields related to their research topics.
  2. Research Experience: Previous research experience is an added value, whether from previous projects or field experience.
  3. Research Methodology: A strong knowledge of research design, sampling, data collection, and statistical analysis is considered essential.
  4. Data Analysis Skills: Researchers must be able to use appropriate analysis methods according to their research fields.
  5. Scientific Communication: The ability to write and present research findings effectively to different audiences is highly emphasized.
  6. Research Ethics: Upholding the principles of integrity, honesty, subject protection, and ethical data management.

These standards are designed to ensure that researchers have the qualifications and competencies necessary to conduct high-quality and beneficial research. This is a crucial foundation for producing reliable research that contributes to the advancement of science and society in general.

Research Process Standards


The research process involves systematic stages from planning, implementation, to reporting, focusing on formulating research questions, defined methodologies, and clear result interpretations. Research activities apply scientific methods with methodological validity, ensuring data objectivity and appropriate analysis. Collaboration with businesses, industries, and government provides access, collaboration, and knowledge transfer, with ethical and independence challenges to maintain integrity.

  1. Research Process: Involves planning, implementation, and reporting stages. This includes formulating research questions, designing methodologies, data collection, analysis, and objective and detailed result interpretation.
  2. Research Activities: Follow scientific methods with methodological validity, data objectivity, precise analysis, and rational interpretation. Scientific autonomy and the integration of quality, safety, health, comfort, and security aspects are the focus in research guidelines.
  3. Benefits of Lecturer/Student Involvement in Business, Industry, and Government: Include access, funding, collaboration, relevance, and knowledge transfer. Ethical, transparency, and independence challenges are key to maintaining integrity.
  4. Implementation of MoUs with universities or villages: Supports access, collaboration, funding, and better learning experiences for lecturers and students in research.
  5. Lecturer Obligations after Research: Include publishing scientific articles to expand knowledge and providing guidance to students in achieving publication standards.
  6. Research Activity Management Mechanism: Includes problem identification, preliminary research, activity planning, collaboration, implementation, result dissemination, and student learning development.
  7. Research Grant Percentage Factors: Vary based on funding sources, research objectives, researcher reputation, and grant requirements, possibly requiring additional financing.
  8. Research Results as Intellectual Property Rights: Involve protecting intellectual property rights for innovative or commercially valuable research, including evidence collection, application, and relevant approvals.

 Research Master Plan Document

Research Master Plan Document The Research Master Plan of LPPM STIE Gema Widya Bangsa highlights the commitment to high standards in conducting quality and beneficial research activities. Below is a complete description of the research master plan based on the provided data:

This master plan not only ensures that every research meets high standards but also facilitates effective engagement with various parties, maintaining integrity, and supporting scientific and societal development.

The Research Master Plan Document of STIE Gema Widya Bangsa can be viewed at the following link See Here

Research Master Plan of STIE Gema Widya Bangsa summarizes the strategic vision for advancing research with the RENSTRA and SOP guidelines, Road Map, and HAKI to ensure quality, integrity, and significant impact in the development of science and community service. The complete document can be viewed at the following link:

 The SOP (Standard Operating Procedures) and Research Guidelines of STIE Gema Widya Bangsa outline standard operational procedures and practical guidelines for conducting quality and integrity-based research activities, ensuring compliance with established standards and sustainability in the application of research results. The complete document can be viewed at the following link:

  • SOP, Road Map, HAKI for Research and Community Service See document
  • Research and Community Service Guidelines See document
  • Research Quality Manual of STIE Gema Widya See document
Research Templates

To provide comprehensive guidance for drafting proposals, reporting final research results, and recording research travel reports, LPPM STIE Gema Widya Bangsa has created templates such as the Research Proposal Template, Final Research Report Template, and Research Travel Report Template. These documents are designed to ensure consistency, transparency, and accountability in the execution and documentation of each research stage. The detailed templates can be viewed at the following link:

 Part 2 of 2:

Community Service

Programs, Policy, and Community Service Guidelines of LPPM STIE Gema widya Bangsa

See Program 

Short Description

 Indonesian higher education institutions are obligated to conduct community service in accordance with Law No. 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System. Law No. 12 of 2012 on Higher Education emphasizes that community service is an integral part of the academic community's activities to advance public welfare and educate the nation. LPPM STIE Gema Widya Bangsa sets high standards in community service, and to achieve its effectiveness, they develop a strategy in the form of a roadmap that serves as a guide for various activities aimed at enhancing the quality of STIE Gema Widya Bangsa.

Community Service Criteria

At STIE Gema Widya Bangsa, the criteria for excellent community service include evaluating existing strengths, including available human resources and infrastructure. The main focus is on technology development, future issues, and the application of Information Technology and science to provide concrete solutions to various problems faced by society, government institutions, and private institutions. This aims to ensure that the direction of community service at STIE Gema Widya Bangsa aligns with national research priorities and can effectively address existing challenges.

Community Service Process Standards

Community service activities regulated by LPPM STIE Gema Widya Bangsa are conducted by referring to standards set by the Directorate of Community Service and Community Service (Ditlitabmas). These standards include various important aspects such as expected outcomes from community service activities, the content provided, systematic and scientific implementation processes, assessment of processes and results, and the appropriate use of facilities and infrastructure.

The main goal of these activities is to improve community welfare and national competitiveness by applying knowledge, technology, and scientific publications that can provide concrete solutions to various challenges faced by society, government, and private sectors. Additionally, this service aims to ensure that every activity is conducted with high standards of professionalism and integrity, in accordance with prevailing academic and institutional principles.

 Community Service Plan and Guidelines Document

The Master Plan for Community Service of STIE Gema Widya Bangsa affirms its commitment to high standards in conducting quality and beneficial community service activities. This document aims not only to ensure that every community service activity meets strict standards but also to facilitate effective engagement with various parties, maintain integrity in all processes, and support scientific development and overall community welfare. The complete details of the Master Plan for Community Service of STIE Gema Widya Bangsa can be accessed through the following link: 

The Community Service Master Plan Document of STIE Gema Widya Bangsa can be viewed at the following link: See here

The Community Service Master Plan of STIE Gema Widya Bangsa integrates a strategic vision to advance community service with the RENSTRA, which regulates priorities and SOP, Road Map, and HAKI as operational guidelines. This document aims to ensure quality, integrity, and significant impact in the development of science and community service. For more information, please see the complete document through the following link: 

To provide comprehensive guidance for drafting proposals, reporting final research results, and recording research travel reports, LPPM STIE Gema Widya Bangsa provides Research Proposal Templates, Final Research Report Templates, and Research Travel Report Templates. These documents are designed to ensure consistency, transparency, and accountability in every stage of research execution and documentation. The complete details of each template can be accessed through the following link:


To provide comprehensive guidance for drafting proposals, reporting final research results, and recording research travel reports, LPPM STIE Gema Widya Bangsa provides Research Proposal Templates, Final Research Report Templates, and Research Travel Report Templates. These documents are designed to ensure consistency, transparency, and accountability in every stage of research execution and documentation. The complete details of each template can be accessed through the following link:

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