STIE Gema work units
STIE Gema Widya Bangsa has various work units including the Academic Bureau, Study Programs, Library, Student Affairs, Alumni, Public Relations, Marketing, Finance, Facilities, LPPM (Research and Community Service Institute), and LPMI (Internal Quality Assurance Agency), all committed to supporting the institution's vision and mission to produce high-quality and competitive graduates.

Work Unit: Academic Bureau
The Academic Bureau at STIE Gema Widya Bangsa plays a crucial role in managing academic administration, led by Asep Somantri, S.E., M.M. as Head of BPAA. This bureau handles new student registrations, curriculum management, and class scheduling, ensuring efficient administrative processes with the support of Rifan Fauzi, BPAA staff. With an organized approach, the bureau provides students with the space to focus on their academic development, ensuring they can optimize their learning experience on campus.
Iwan Setiawan, S.E., M.M.
Vice Chairman I for Academic, Student Affairs, and Alumni
Asep Somantri, S.E., M.M.
Head of BPAA
Rifan Fauzi
BPAA Staff
Work Unit: Study Programs
The Study Programs Unit at STIE Gema Widya Bangsa plays a vital role in managing the curriculum and course delivery to support optimal academic achievement for students. This unit is responsible for designing relevant curricula and scheduling classes efficiently. With a commitment to providing a structured and supportive learning environment, the Study Programs Unit enables students to focus on developing their skills and achieving academic success at every stage of their studies.
Edwin Karim S.E., M.M.
Head of Management Study Program
Wiwit Pawitri, S.E., M.M.
Head of Accounting Study Program
Achmad Subagdja, S.E., M.M.
Vice Chairman II for Finance, Facilities, and Human Resources
Rheiva Putri R.S, S.E.
Finance Staff
Hanhan Abdul Hakim, S.E
Human Resource Staff
Work Unit: Finance
The Finance Unit at STIE Gema Widya Bangsa plays a crucial role in managing the budget, expenditures, and financial reporting to maintain the institution's financial stability. This unit is responsible for proper budget planning and efficient management of financial resources. By ensuring compliance with strict financial procedures and transparency in reporting, the Finance Unit plays a vital role in supporting the daily operations and long-term development of STIE Gema Widya Bangsa.
Work Unit: Student Affair
The Student Affairs Unit is responsible for managing activities and services related to student interests, talents, and well-being. This includes managing student organizations, organizing extracurricular activities, and providing counseling and guidance services. The unit also manages scholarships and other financial aid to support student needs.
Iwan Setiawan, S.E., M.M.
Vice Chairman I for Academic, Student Affairs, and Alumni
Iwan Setiawan, S.E., M.M.
Wakil Ketua I Bidang Akademik, Kemahasiswaan, dan Alumni
Work Unit: Alumni
The Alumni Unit plays a role in establishing and maintaining relationships with graduates through various activities and programs. This unit manages the alumni database, organizes reunions and networking events, and conducts tracer studies to monitor alumni career development. Additionally, the unit collaborates with industries to create career and internship opportunities for alumni.
Work Unit: Public Relations
The Public Relations (PR) Unit manages external and internal communications to build and maintain a positive institutional image. PR is responsible for news publications, social media management, and media relations. This unit also develops communication strategies to support various institutional activities and interacts with stakeholders.
Dina Yulia Wijaya, S.Pd., M.M.
Vice Chairman III for Marketing, Cooperation & Public Relations
Rini Anggraeni, S.E.
Marketing Staff
Unit kerja: Marketing
The Marketing Unit is responsible for promoting the institution, attracting prospective students, and maintaining relationships with alumni through various activities and programs. This unit manages the alumni database, organizes reunions and networking events, and conducts tracer studies to monitor alumni career development. Additionally, the unit collaborates with industries to create career and internship opportunities for alumni.
Work Unit: Library
The library serves as an information resource center providing a wide range of books, journals, e-books, and other reference materials to support academic and research activities. In addition to book lending services, the library offers access to online databases and comfortable study facilities. The library staff are ready to assist students and faculty in finding relevant information for their studies and research.
M. Ari Saputra, S.E.
Head of Library UPT
Achmad Subagdja, S.E., M.M.
Vice Chairman II for Finance and Facilities
Dani Mulyana
Facilities and General Staff
Asep Supriatna
Facilities and General Staff
Work Unit: Facilities
The Facilities Unit manages the institution's physical facilities and infrastructure, including the maintenance of buildings, classrooms, laboratories, and other common areas. This unit is responsible for ensuring that all facilities are in good condition and can support teaching and learning activities. Additionally, the unit plans and oversees construction and renovation projects.
Work Unit: LPMI
The Internal Quality Assurance Agency (LPMI) is tasked with ensuring that all academic and administrative processes within the institution meet established quality standards. LPMI conducts regular internal evaluations and audits, develops quality assurance systems, and provides recommendations for continuous improvement. The goal is to enhance the quality of education and services provided to students.
Irma Suryani, S.E., M.Ak., Ak., CA.
Head of LPMI
Liya Setiawati, S.Sy., M.M.
Head of Monev LPMI
Nisa Raudatul Janah, S.E.I., M.E.
Head of Internal Audit LPMI
Linda Novianti, S.H., M.H., CFAS., CPM.
Head of LPPM
M. Syahrudin, S.E., M.Ak.
Internal Journal Manager
Work Unit: LPPM
The Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM) coordinates research and community service activities conducted by faculty and students. LPPM is responsible for managing research funds, organizing seminars and workshops, and publishing research findings. Additionally, LPPM designs and implements community service programs to contribute to social and economic development around the institution.