SPMI Program
Referring to the Minister of Research, Technology, and Higher Education Regulation Number 62 of 2016 concerning the higher education quality assurance system, the Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) is a systemic activity for ensuring higher education quality by each higher education institution autonomously to control and improve the planned and sustainable implementation of higher education. SPMI is planned, implemented, evaluated, controlled, and developed by higher education institutions with the cycle of determination, implementation, evaluation, control, and improvement of Higher Education Standards. SPMI is implemented in all areas of higher education activities, including academic fields; education, research, and community service, as well as non-academic areas such as human resources, finance, and infrastructure.
LPMI Regulatory Basis
Based on Chairman Regulation number 01/STIE-GWB/PK/XI/2021 concerning the Internal Quality Assurance System, STIE Gema Widya Bangsa implements an internal quality assurance system that covers all activities and educational resources, research, and community service that meet the National Higher Education Standards (SN Dikti) in accordance with Permenristekdikti No. 62 of 2016. The implementation of SPMI at STIE Gema Widya Bangsa supports the higher education management system of STIE Gema Widya Bangsa to compete with private universities in Indonesia. The implementation of SPMI at STIE Gema Widya Bangsa shows the PPPEPP quality assurance cycle.
LPMI Objectives
The existence of the Quality Assurance Agency within STIE Gema Widya Bangsa as an agency that implements the Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) and prepares for the implementation of the External Quality Assurance System (SMPE) in the context of institutional accreditation and study program accreditation.