Barchelor Program

Barchelor in Accounting

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  About Program

The Bachelor of Accounting program at STIE Gema Widya Bangsa is a higher education program that offers learning focused on developing strong accounting skills and a deep understanding of financial systems. Bachelor of Accounting students will gain the practical and theoretical knowledge needed to become competent and ethical professional accountants.  

Program Description

The Bachelor of Accounting program at STIE Gema Widya Bangsa is a higher education program that offers learning focused on developing strong accounting skills and a deep understanding of financial systems. Bachelor of Accounting students will gain the practical and theoretical knowledge needed to become competent and ethical professional accountants.

General Competency

    • Handling company, government agency, and sharia institution bookkeeping. ​
    • Preparing financial statements for various types of companies.
    • Ability to manage finances effectively.


In semesters 5, 6, and 7, students can choose a specialization based on their interests and desired careers:

  1. Taxation
  2. Audit
  3. Financial Accounting 
  4. Accounting Information Systems
  5. Goverment Accountin


The curriculum is designed for an 8-semester study period, with a mandatory internship program in the final semester for a minimum of 2 full months to gain work experience. Curriculum details can be found in the following links:

  1. Taxation Curriculum
  2. Audit Curriculum
  3. Financial Accounting Curriculum
  4. Accounting Information Systems Curriculum
  5. Goverment Accounting Curriculum

 Bachelor of Accounting Curriculum

The Bachelor of Accounting program at STIE Gema Widya Bangsa (SK. No. 7886/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/XII/2022) aims to train students in handling bookkeeping for companies, government agencies, and sharia institutions, as well as preparing financial statements for various types of companies. The program emphasizes the ability to manage finances effectively, providing a solid foundation in accounting.

The program offers a holistic perspective on company financial aspects and provides specialization options to direct careers based on individual student interests. With high accreditation, students are guaranteed to receive quality higher education relevant to the demands of the current industry.


S1 Akuntansi STIE Gema Widya Bangsa sudah terakreditasi secara nasional

Tanggal Akreditasi


Tanggal Berakhir


12 Desember 2020


12 Desember 2025



 Tuition Fee

Tuition fees at STIE Gema Widya Bangsa are based on the Registration Wave. Discounts apply according to the registration period as follows:  

Biaya Kuliah

Skema cicilan untuk perkuliahan:

Cicilan Ke

5 X Cicilan

4X Cicilan
3X Cicilan
2X Cicilan
1 X Pembayaran





















Harga normal Rp 4.250.000
Rp 4.250.000
Rp 4.250.000
Rp 4.250.000
Rp 4.250.000
Potongan harga Rp 0
Rp 0
Rp 0
Rp 0
Rp 0
Total pembayaran Rp 4.250.000
Rp 4.250.000
Rp 4.250.000
Rp 4.250.000
Rp 4.250.000

 Potongan Harga

Gelombang 1

  • Before May 31
    Rp 800,000/semester or Rp 6,400,000 for 8 semesters

Gelombang 2

  • Before August 1
    Rp 400,000/semester or Rp 3,200,000 for 8 semesters

Gelombang 3

  • After August 1 
    Discount Rp0

 Tenaga Pengajar

 Tenaga Pengajar di program S1 Manajemen STIE Gema WIdya Bangsa

Achmad Subagdja, S.E., M.M.

Masters - Universitas Winaya Mukti

S1 - Akuntansi
Beny Fatahillah Arif Bastaman, S.E.,M.Ak., Ak,. CA.

Masters - 041044   Universitas Sangga Buana​

S1 - Akuntansi
Frans Yohanes, S.E.,M.Ak., Ak,. CA.

Masters  - Universitas Widyatama

S1 - Akuntansi

Irma Suryani, S.E., M.Ak, Ak., CA.

Masters  - Universitas Widyatama

S1 - Akuntansi
M. Syahrudin, S.E., M.Ak​

Masters  - 041044   Universitas Sangga Buana

S1 - Akuntansi

Rully Ginanjar Anggadinata, S.E., M.E.

Masters - Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati

S1 - Akuntansi

Bergabung dengan STIE Gema Widya Bangsa untuk kuliah S1 Akuntansi

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