Types of Classes at STIE GEMA

Available Class programs

 Class Types

STIE Gema Widya Bangsa offers two nationally accredited study programs. Explore the study programs that align with your interests and career aspirations.  

Regular Class

The Regular Class Program is designed to provide a solid foundation in the theory and practice of management or accounting through in-depth learning.  


Employee Class

The Employee Class Program is tailored for professionals who wish to enhance their skills without sacrificing their primary jobs.  


Scholarship Class

This program offers easier access and flexibility for employees who wish to pursue higher education. Although class times are adjusted to fit work schedules, the Employee Class maintains the same status, quality, academic rights, degrees, diplomas, and curriculum as the Regular Class Program.  


Dapatkan dukungan finansial untuk pendidikan Anda melalui program beasiswa kami di STIE Gema Widya Bangsa.

Dengan beasiswa KIP, nikmati gratis biaya kuliah dan tambahan uang saku.